Life's Pandemonium

Pandamonium defined is: "wild and noisy disorder or confusion; uproar.; a place or scene of riotous uproar or utter chaos."

Life can be a little chaotic at times and turned upside down without you having any control over those changes. My life in the last year more so than before has been full of changes and things not always in my control. These changes were not all negative but that does not change the fact I did not always have control. Sometimes life can change in an instant and sometimes we have to take some risks to get bigger rewards.

The other part of this blog title is finding harmony which defined is "the quality of forming a pleasing and consistent whole." Now while life might be swirling around me I seek to find some calm and some level of control. When I cannot control what is happening I have to find a level of peace with whatever is happening. 

So this blog is going to be about many aspects of my life, I have written before and I always go back to cooking and recipes which is something I can almost always control so it gives me some peace. I will talk about my family and what we have going on in our lives. My health and complications that it has caused in my life. Work will probably get touched on too. 

So a little more about who I am specifically:
I am 30 something.
I am a wife of 4 years, but we've been together almost 11.
I am a new mom to a baby boy, born May 2018.
I am an elementary school teacher.
I am a foodie and a very amature chef.
I am a Pampered Chef Independent Consultant.
I am a traveler.
I am a crafter, when I have time.
I am a stroke survivor.

Join me on my journey to continue to find the balance and harmony is all that life has to offer. 
